Bogibeel Bridge – A Symbol of Hope for a Better Future

Bogibeel Bridge at sunset

This spring I had the pleasure of visiting my hometown Dibrugarh after 13 long months. Spring is very special to us in Assam because with the advent of spring comes Bihu, the Assamese New Year. This Bihu was more special because my 3 months young baby was visiting his paternal as well as maternal grandparents… Continue reading Bogibeel Bridge – A Symbol of Hope for a Better Future

India’s longest bridge – Dhola Sadiya bridge

In Assamese we have a very popular song sung by the exponent of folk and traditional music of Assam, Late Shri Khagen Mahanta: ” Ma ami Sadiyaloi jamei, Ma ami xotphul khamei. Bandhim ami bandhim Ma kesa patot lun. Ma sai thaka sun…” I remember listening to this song in the radio many a times… Continue reading India’s longest bridge – Dhola Sadiya bridge

Talatal Ghar – The epitome of Tai Ahom architecture

The most interesting memory I have of Talatal Ghar is one that gives me an eerie feeling. Actually Talatal Ghar was used as the location of a very hit Assamese movie “Anthony mur naam” and the song concerned is “Ei rati jui jwole”. In the scene set at midnight there’s this woman, clad in a… Continue reading Talatal Ghar – The epitome of Tai Ahom architecture